This is part of the vatom module |
Add a virtual atom in a fixed position.
This action creates a virtual atom at a fixed position. The coordinates can be specified in Cartesian components (by default) or in scaled coordinates (SCALED_COMPONENTS). It is also possible to assign a predefined charge or mass to the atom.
Notice that the distance between to atoms created using FIXEDATOM is invariant for translation. Additionally, if one first align atoms to a reference using FIT_TO_TEMPLATE, then it is safe to add further fixed atoms without breaking translational invariance.
ATOMS | the list of atoms which are involved the virtual atom's definition. For more information on how to specify lists of atoms see Groups and Virtual Atoms |
AT | coordinates of the virtual atom |
SET_MASS | ( default=1 ) mass of the virtual atom |
SET_CHARGE | ( default=0 ) charge of the virtual atom |
SCALED_COMPONENTS | ( default=off ) use scaled components |
The following input instructs plumed to compute the angle between distance of atoms 15 and 20 and the z axis and keeping it close to zero.
a: FIXEDATOM AT=0,0,0 b: FIXEDATOM AT=0,0,1 an: ANGLE ATOMS=a,b,15,20 RESTRAINT ARG=an AT=0.0 KAPPA=100.0
The following input instructs plumed to align a protein to a template and to then compute the distance between one of the atoms in the protein and the point (10,20,30).
The reference structure to align to is provided in a pdb file called ref.pdb as shown below:
ATOM 8 HT3 ALA 2 -1.480 -1.560 1.212 1.00 1.00 DIA H ATOM 9 CAY ALA 2 -0.096 2.144 -0.669 1.00 1.00 DIA C ATOM 10 HY1 ALA 2 0.871 2.385 -0.588 1.00 1.00 DIA H ATOM 12 HY3 ALA 2 -0.520 2.679 -1.400 1.00 1.00 DIA H ATOM 14 OY ALA 2 -1.139 0.931 -0.973 1.00 1.00 DIA O END